Seven Group Holdings (SGH) Logo

Seven Group Holdings (SGH) Logo (full size)

Seven Group Holdings (SGH) Logo icon/symbol

Seven Group Holdings (SGH) Logo (full size) on a dark background

Seven Group Holdings (SGH) Logo icon/symbol on a dark background

About Seven Group Holdings (SGH)

Slater and Gordon Limited, a law firm, provides legal practices in Australia. The company provides legal services in various areas, such as workers compensation, motor vehicle and car accidents, public liability, medical law, asbestos, silicosis, military compensation, police compensation, comcare, institutional abuse; superannuation and disability insurance; class actions; dispute resolution; employment law; and will dispute, as well as provides union services. It also offers litigation and emerging services. The company was founded in 1935 and is based in Melbourne, Australia. Slater and Gordon Limited is a subsidiary of AIO V Finance (Ireland) DAC.

Page last updated on:

calendar iconOctober 18th, 2024
