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About NW Natural

Northwest Natural Holding Company, through its subsidiary, Northwest Natural Gas Company, provides regulated natural gas distribution services to residential, commercial, industrial, and transportation customers in Oregon and Southwest Washington. The company also operates 5.7 billion cubic feet of the Mist gas storage facility contracted to other utilities and third-party marketers; offers natural gas asset management services; and operates an appliance retail center. In addition, it engages in the gas storage, water, non-regulated renewable natural gas, and other investments and activities. The company provides natural gas service through approximately 786,000 meters in Oregon and southwest Washington; and water services to a total of approximately 80,000 people through approximately 33,000 water and wastewater connections in the Pacific Northwest and Texas. Northwest Natural Holding Company was founded in 1859 and is headquartered in Portland, Oregon.

Page last updated on:

calendar iconDecember 5th, 2022
