Mori Hills REIT Investment Logo

Mori Hills REIT Investment Logo (full size)

Mori Hills REIT Investment Logo icon/symbol

Mori Hills REIT Investment Logo (full size) on a dark background

Mori Hills REIT Investment Logo icon/symbol on a dark background

About Mori Hills REIT Investment

The Company was incorporated by Mori Building Investment Management Co., Ltd. (the Company's Asset Manager) on February 2, 2006 under the Act on Investment Trusts and Investment Corporations (Act No. 198 of 1951, as amended) (the “Investment Trust Act”), and was listed on the Real Estate Investment Trust Section of Tokyo Stock Exchange, Inc. (the “Tokyo Stock Exchange”) on November 30, 2006 (Securities Code: 3234). In the fiscal period under review (Thirty-Fifth fiscal period: August 1, 2023 to January 31, 2024), as of the end of the Thirty-Fifth fiscal period, the total number of investment units issued and outstanding was 1,916,330.

Page last updated on:

calendar iconNovember 12th, 2024
