Caltagirone Editore Logo

Caltagirone Editore Logo (full size)

Caltagirone Editore Logo icon/symbol

Caltagirone Editore Logo (full size) on a dark background

Caltagirone Editore Logo icon/symbol on a dark background

About Caltagirone Editore

Caltagirone Editore SpA publishes newspapers in Italy. The company publishes Il Messaggero, Il Mattino, II Gazzettino, Leggo, Corriere Adriatico, and II Nuovo Quotidiano di Puglia newspapers. It also operates Piemme, an advertising agency comprising of daily newspapers; Social Press, a social platform; and online news Websites. Caltagirone Editore SpA was based in Rome, Italy.

Page last updated on:

calendar iconJuly 6th, 2024
